Saturday, July 21, 2012

Some days . . . .

Some days I feel more southern than others.

Some days I just want a big ole glass of iced tea and some Ritz crackers.

Some days I just want to have someone drop by and sit a spell.

Some days I want to carry on a whole conversation with the person in the next stall.

Some days I want to ride the tractor with my grandpa.

Some days I want to smile at someone and receive a smile back.

Some days I want to walk into a room of friends and be greeted with a “Hey!  How are you?”

Some days I want to just let my hair down and be myself without “offending” anyone.

Some days I don’t want to have any expectations placed upon me.

Some days I want to tell other people just how rude they are and how they need a good lesson in Southern manners.

Some days I just want to live in the South again . . . .today was one of those days!


  1. Well goodness gracious! Anytime you want to come sit a spell just be my guest! Bless your heart, we all have those days. Please know you still have lots of friends that will return a smile as well as offer you one first. :).

  2. My thoughts exactly! Come sit a spell with me!
