Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is always a difficult day for me.  Doesn’t make any sense does it?  I have two beautiful children who are truly gifts from God!  But each Mother’s Day (and the days leading up to the day), I get a pit in my stomach. 
I cry.
I mourn.
I weep.
 I rejoice.
I feel inferior. 
I question.
I promise myself I’ll be a better mom. 
 I, literally, am all over the map emotionally! 
My poor hubby! J

Then, God gently reminds me that HE’s got this!  He works everything to HIS glory. 
He loves.
He provides.
He understands my weaknesses. 
He sorrows with me.
He forgives.
He convicts. 
Then, I cry, weep and rejoice some more because I focus on what is truly important about this man made holiday.  God and His glory, His plan being carried out in my life.  Thank you, God, for every aspect of my motherhood! 


  1. Love you, Lisa! Thankful for God's working in each of our lives, although He takes us each down different paths, to make us more like Him for His glory!

  2. Lisa
    I totalky get the emotional side of mother 's day. I. Am learning to still rest in God 's sovereignty. I love you and miss you Lisa. Thanks forvsharing. HUGS
