Tuesday, May 31, 2011

95' REALLY?????

Did you notice the name change of my blog?  :)  Mouth from the South suits me best I suppose (even my own sister thought so!)!  I loved growing up in the South drinking sweet tea and Dr. Pepper, eating grits and sausage gravy, shopping at Roses, snapping beans with my grandma.  The one thing I did not love about the south, however, was the HEAT!!!!!!  More specifically, the heat and HUMIDITY!  Which is why at the ripe old age of 23 I moved NORTH.  I crossed over into enemy territory all for some relief from the heat.  Where is that relief????  After 15 years in this foreign land, I have yet to experience this so called relief.  Unfortunately, now I kinda, sorta, maybe love living here! :)  So, I'll deal with the heat, I'll drink DIET sweet tea and DIET Dr. Pepper, I'll eat sausage gravy, I'll shop at Wal-Mart, I'll buy pre-snapped green beans and I'll stay inside in the air conditioning! :)  (And occasionally I'll whistle "Dixie")

Below are 3 videos of how the kids deal with 95' weather!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Will I have enough to say?

As I think about starting a blog the one question that comes to mind is "Will I have enough to say?"  Those who know me well can stop laughing . . . now!  I have been know to speak my mind, stick my foot in my mouth, talk to much, . . . just to name a few! As I get older (and older and older), it's harder for my mind to stay focused, to be creative. Maybe trying to write things down will boost my brain capacity! :)  So, here we go . . . .